From Norfolk County Virginia (Caswell & Persons Co NC) to Spartanburg !1730..."Maryland Calendar of Wills", pg165, Will abstract for BUSHAW [BASHAW] Thomas: 16 Jan 1729/30; 20 Apr 1730. To two eldest sons GARRET and WILLIAM, 100 A. :Hoggs Down," bou of GILES BUSHAW; and personality; sd. sons dying without issue, sd land to pass to 2 youngest sons. Daniel CORBITT to live on sd. land for 5 years. "son THOMAS and hrs., 100 A. dwelling plantation__________; sd. son dying without issue, to pass to youngest son WILLIAM; and personality. "youngest son WILLIAM and hrs., 70 A. adj. to plantation bought of GRAVES JARRETT [GARRETT?]: sd. son dying without issue, to pass to son THOMAS. "wife ANN, extx., personality. "four youngest children viz: THOMAS, WILLIAM, ANN and ELINOR, residue of estate after wife's thirds are deducted. Test: DANIEL CORBITT; JOHN COLLINS, sic Collince, THOMAS GOSLEE. *** JOHN COLLINS [Georgene's ancestor], appearing as closely allied to this family is circumstancial evidence of family affiliation - GH ***!Named in will ["Maryland Calendar of Wills",pg 165]. Dear Georgene, You know I told you I would help you with your Bashaw line out of Norfolk Co., VA. Since we last corresponded, I have found some data |  |