I imagine there have been many of you out there who have paused to think about your life and your legacy, and what you would leave to posterity when as you pass on. The Question is-- if we are suddenly called home, as Tanya has been, are we living our life to leave "Foot steps of faith". So...this talk is about Tanya, my grandaughter, a sixteen year old young women, who left "Foot steps of Faith" as her legacy. I don't think Tanya actually sat down and out lined her legacy. She had set many goals in her life. She had many ups and downs just as we all have. However when it became obvious , after her death, that she had touched the lives of so many people, I felt that part of her legacy would be sharing her story with others, and by doing so, perhaps strengthening other peoples testimonies. As the KSL video (television documentary) points out--she loved and was loved by people who's life she had touched. She was taught by her parents and others the principals of the Gospel. She had learned to exemplify the principals by practicing them. Tanya loved sharing testimonies. She made a point to ask me, when we were together in our church meetings, if I was going to bear my Testimony. She was able to share her's from a very young age. By the time she was age 16 she had a very powerful Testimony, the result of her "foot steps of faith". Spirit & Physical Self in Harmony HerStake President, told us at her funeral "that our spirit comes to earth as a full grown intelligence. We had embraced the gospel in the premortal life and could progress no more there. The physical body we receive may be led and taught to obey, by our spirit. The spirit continues to learn to obey God as directed by the "Holy Ghost". We need to learn how this Spirit and mortal body can connect. Tanya had made that connection. Her spirit and mortal body were in harmony. The result being in tune with the "Holy Ghost". Preparing for her mission One of the goals she had set and had been working toward for several years had been to go to Germany on a mission. She had taken a High School German Class to begin getting ready. Her friends and Stake president knew of this desire. Shortly after Tanya departed this life, Her Stake President commented, "Tanya's death was not an accidental, she was taken for a purpose. She was a valiant spirit in the Spirit World", who has a measure in creation to fill". Another speaker told us "She is one of the "WHEAT" that has been plucked from the "TARES". During the funeral another member of the Stake Presidency made the following comment "Tanya has been called home early to fill her mission, on the other side of the veil". He reminded us that our mortal life, in the eternal story of our life, is a mere comma, not even and exclamation point". Much has happened in the preexistence and much will happen in the eternities to come. Foot Steps leading to this moment Her life seemed to be a series of learning experiences, foot steps, leading to the moment when she was taken. One gift she had was determination. Determination seemed to be a driving force in her life. The Accident before Birth I am going back to the time just prior to Tanya's birth. Events in her life at even so early a time indicated her determination. In 1979, Tanya's mother , who was in the early stages of pregnancy, (4 months), was driving by her self from Colorado, where we lived, to Salt Lake. Terry lost control of the car on some loose gravel and rolled over and over, about 200 feet, down the mountain side in Heber Canyon. Terry was thrown from the car which had come to rest above her. Some campers were sitting around a camp fire and saw the headlights in the dark as it rolled. The campers ran to the car, finding Terry unconscious and bleeding from many wounds and broken bones. Their efforts saved both Tanya and her mother. A miracle had stopped the car from rolling over them. It lodged on a small stone and teetered there just above them.. At the hospital we could see how grievously wounded she was. Her left hand and arm were in danger of amputation. During the rest of the pregnancy Tanya and her mother spent long months as they did skin grafts, fought infection and finally gave birth to Tanya. Terry says she truly feels Tanya's survival was a real miracle. She was determined to have her mortal body. She arrived Whole, Hearty and happy. Her happy nature came out immediately. She was loved and adored by the nurses at the first stay in the hospital, and welcomed back several months later as Terry underwent more repairs. Happy Nature This grandmother recalls her happy, joyful nature as she tippy toed, sang and danced her way through her childhood. A song in a persons heart comes from the joy in their "Soul", an expression of the "Soul Voice". Because of Terry's injuries Tanya's child hood could have been unhappy, there was so much pain. Terry recalls that when Tanya was about 10 or 11 years old, she came into the house and announced "I'm going to be happy". She had decided on her own (inspiration I'm sure) that her mother needed her to be happy and to help around the house. She seemed to enjoy helping as she sang , danced and smiled her way through those years. This joyful heart must have been another gift she had received, as part of her measure of creation. Determination One example of her determination, of which must have been a gift from her father in heaven, showed up early. Tanya had seen a beautiful dress with a full skirt, ribbons and ruffles. When she ask if she could buy one, it was determined that it was too expensive. (T-Jay and Terry were still in school at BYU and paying medical bills). This did not deter her however. After her request was turned down several times she was told if she could earn enough to buy the material, a friend would sew it for her. The material and labor would cost about $100 dollars. To a ten year old that was a fortune. However she set out to earn it and earn it she did. She got the dress and a very full slip--and danced around, sang songs and loved her "Princes Dress", as her daddy called it. From Junior High through her High School Years, she was a straight "A" student. From about 8 years old she began her music training and learned piano, flute, and Baritone. She began learning German, saying she wanted to go to Germany on her mission. After her return from Germany she learned the "TUBA. Ancestral "Viets" German Roots The summer before her Sophomore year her parents went to Germany to gather Genealogy from her German side of the family. While there they met Terry's relatives who were still in Germany. After a ceremony by the town Bergermister, who presented them the key and the Red Carpet, to the tiny village, they met a family who had been gathering family records. The father, Mr. Witt (Veit), had computerized them and was elated to find Terry would take them to the SLC archives for him. There were some 17 thousand family records all linked into families on that disk. They discovered after returning home that this same lineage (WITT=VIET) was the ancestral lineage on her father's also, that had been dead ended for many years (1740). The Red Wagon Story I saw a quote recently "there is no limit to the hights we can soar, as long as we do it our selves." This story is an example of this. After they returned from Germany, Tanya was invited to go to Germany to live with the Witts and go to school. Tanya was young yet (15) and so, much discussing of pros and cons, went on before making decision. Finally her parents told her if she could make the plane fare, she could do it. Determination came to her rescue once more. She did every odd job she could. Her biggest project was to make and sell brownies and homemade loaves of bread every Saturday. After baking them she would load them into her little "Red Wagon", and set off merrily around the neighbor hood pulling it behind her. She sold all she could make. Her Italian Trial By July she was in Germany. She and her German family went for a vacation. One morning while they were in Italy, she had one of the biggest trials of her young life. She had set out jogging. She felt that if she jogged straight away from their villa that all she needed to do to return, was turn around and jog straight back. When she turned around to return, she could see many streets veering off from where she was. She had no idea how to get back, did not speak Italian, and could not remember her address they were staying at. She turns to the Lord Tanya was used to conferring with the "Lord". Her parents had trained her well. Family home evenings, church attendance, and seminary training came to her rescue. She immediately turned to him. She let him know she was hopelessly lost, frightened, and would he please get her back. She then began to jog. She was praying for inspiration and got it. She was literally led back to the family. I heard her bear her testimony about this time in her life, after she returned from Germany. She was filled to over flowing with the spirit, as she testified to the power of the "Holy Ghost", as she had relied upon him that day. Seldom if ever, have I heard or seen more spirituality radiate from a young person. Recorded in Her Journal She wrote the account of it in her journal as she did daily. On the day that we waited on the canyon wall, for them to find her, I read a portion, where she said " I learned that day that "I could handle anything that might happen to my physical body (including Rape), but I could not bear to live with out the "Holy Ghost", and her big brother Jesus Christ. She had truly made the connection between her physical self and her spiritual self. Her Drug Encounter She was really tested another time while she was in Germany. Here is a letter written by the Mission President's wife about an Encounter of the "Drug Kind". This letter was sent to her parents while she was in Germany. "A couple of months ago Tanya came to me and said that she had a problem and just needed someone to talk to. It was about an experience she had which was worrying her immensely and I'm going to try to remember it as she told me and write it down. In Bockhorn, the town where Tanya lived with her "foster" parents, there was to be the usual yearly town celebration. The Witts had told Tanya about it and had expressed their wish that she stay at home that weekend, instead of going to Wilhelmshaven to the LDS Church, so that she could attend the activities with the family. On the Saturday of that weekend, Tanya was together with some of her girlfriends from school. They attended the festivities and looked around and chatted and laughed together Later in the evening, the girls got together and wanted to go off somewhere and smoke. Tanya did not want to go with them so she was more or less alone. There was a boy from the school, named Christian and he accompanied her as she walked around the fair and talked to her. He liked to speak English and perhaps he thought this would be a good opportunity to practice his English. They talked about all kinds of things and he spent quite a while telling about himself and problems he had at home with his family, etc. The Witts had told Tanya that she was to be home at a certain time, so when she excused herself from Christian, he offered to walk her home. She wasn't particularly happy about the idea, so she asked the Witts what they thought, hoping that they would say no, but they seemed to be quite happy about the fact that she would not have to walk home alone, so they gave their consent. As they walked they continued to talk - he talking about his problems mostly, and Tanya talking about the Church and how wonderful it is and how it could help him. Temptation During this time, Christian offered Tanya a piece of perfumed wood to smell. She took it but was not very impressed with it and gave it back. When they arrived at the home of the Witts, they talked a short while and then Tanya said it was time for her to go inside. Christian gave her the perfumed wood again which she smelled but returned. He then left her and went to his own home. When Tanya got into her room, she was terribly cold. She quickly got ready for bed and cuddled under the warm featherbed, but could not get warm. Also, she could not sleep. She tossed and turned throughout the night and slept, perhaps out of pure exhaustion, for just an hour or two. She was not only physically uneasy, but spiritually uneasy. She felt strange. Empty. Alone. For the first time in her life she felt absolutely alone! She felt as if she couldn't get through to Heavenly Father and she missed the warm feeling of the Holy Ghost. This made her frightened and unhappy. During the next hours and day or two she had a very depressed feeling and thoughts kept coming into her head that she was unworthy to have the Holy Ghost and that Heavenly Father didn't love her. She also got the thought that if she could smell the perfumed wood again, she would feel better. She discovered that this was not just a normal piece of perfumed wood that one might put in the closet or chest of drawers, but that it was a piece of wood that had been drenched in a drug which was called "Peace"! She spent some very miserable and unhappy hours, praying that Heavenly Father would forgive her, praying that she might just feel his spirit again. Relationship with Heavenly Father Most times, with Converts to the Church, people put aside their old ways and have their first experiences with the Holy Ghost and are overwhelmed with the joy of it. With Tanya, having been brought up in a Mormon community and in a good Latter-day Saint home where the spirit is abundant, she had her first experience of being without the Holy Ghost. which was overwhelmingly terrible, especially in a foreign country, among people with a different language and being far away from her family and friends. She Struggles with the Spirit After some "struggling in the Spirit", Tanya finally felt the presence of the Holy Ghost again and above all the assurance that God loved her. Mrs. Witt had noticed that Tanya was troubled and was able to find out what had happened. She felt very sorry for Tanya and that she had been deceived, and very angry with Christian for having taken advantage of the situation. Mrs. WITT reported the incident to the school. On the following weekend Tanya talked to me about it and I was able to assure her that she had not been guilty of a sin, because she had been the innocent victim of what Christian thought was just an amusing joke. It was not very easy for Tanya during the following weeks. Christian and some of the other students didn't think so well of Tanya because she had told on him. The whole situation was not easy for Tanya. She wanted so badly to talk to her parents about it but it was so hard to do over the phone, and she certainly didn't want them to worry. However Tanya has been very strong. She is actually amazing because she has been the only Mormon in her community and has stayed strong to the faith. She has not been afraid to talk to people about the gospel and give her testimony s of faith to everyone who was willing to hear. Her Stepping Stone This experience which was at first terrible for Tanya, turned out to be a stepping stone. She has matured, has withstood the adversary and learned to stand spiritually on her own feet. Now, when she stands up and gives her testimony that she knows that God lives and that he loves her, she says it because she really knows. She has felt in a moment of despair and loneliness the love of an eternal Father who is always there and always loves, even when we think he doesn't. Unusually Strong Spirit I'm thankful for being able to get to know Tanya. She is an unusually strong spirit. I'm sure this experience has given her the necessary strength to withstand the difficulties and problems of this time in which we live and I'm thankful to know that there are young people in the Church who are like Tanya and who will influence the World in the future. She gave Christian a copy of the Look of Mormon and has forgiven him. Perhaps someday he will read it and remember that Tanya told him that the Gospel can help us with all our problems. Margaret Langer Wilhelmshaven Branch Hamburg Germany Stake. I have written this from memory. It may be that Tanya will have to fill in or change things if necessary, but I think I have been able to get the main points down. Difficult School Experience Tanya loved the experience she was having in Germany, but soon found that being taught and learning in a different language, in a foreign land, was most difficult. She studied untold hours out side of school. The heart was willing. She had disciplined herself to doing straight "A" work at all times. However by Christmas she had to decide whether to just stick it out by staying there or to come home before her grade average suffered. She wrote in her journal "I have done all I can here. I am at a place where I can not progress any more by my self". After much soul searching she called her parents and it was decided that rather than lose her grade average she should come home. She made that choice. She left behind many people who she had shared her testimony with. Sabrina It was decided her friend Sabrina would come live at her house in Utah, and go to school until December break. She left behind another little friend she was very close to. Both these girls played a part in the events surrounding her departure from life. About The Marching Band When she returned from Germany, she wanted to get into the American Fork Marching Band. However all the chairs were filled for instruments she played. Once again determination came to the rescue. She determined that she could get in if she played the "TUBA". The month before school started she practiced her heart out. When tryout time arrived she tried out, and won her seat in the 250 member nationaly renoun marching band,. There were some special friends in it too, which she was delighted to be able to play with. You saw them on the KSL Video. She was 16 years old. Still a missionary Her friend Sabrina from Germany and several others, were learning Heavenly Father's Plan from her. Whether Jogging, at an activity, or at work, Tanya took time to touch lives for good. Testimonials came by the hundreds, to the family by people she had touched , who needed comfort to understand why she was taken. Her Temple Work The Timpanogas Temple can be seen from the Humphries home from the deck at the rear of the house. The Stake youth were very involved as they played host and hostesses for the public open house, prior to the Dedication. The family had submitted names to be ready when the temple opened. Terry was playing the organ once a week at open house and would continue when it was dedicated. T-Jay was doing Missionary work as a "Stake Missionary". Family Activities Together Because of terry's injured neck. The result of still another rolled car, plans for a family outing had been put off all summer. Now as the middle of October arrived they either had to go or wait until the next year. The family, neighbors & ward members decide to go and take advantage of what would be the last opportunity of this year. Tanya's Measure Filled - She is Taken Home Little did we suspect that this weekend would be the time when Tanya's measure on earth would be filled and father would need her at home. However, Father had prepared the way to help us under stand the events that would transpire that day. The Holy Ghost had whispered to Tanya "that some one was going to die. She interpreted it to be her mother. SHE HAD COME TO HER MOTHER EXPRESSING THIS INSIGHT". One Of The Boys Gives His Account Of The Day "We reached the area known as "Hugging Rock" at about two o'clock. This spot was a little trickier than the others. While the adults, mostly the men, were trying to figure the best way around, the teenagers continued to be positive and enjoying each other's company. We sat on one side of this gully for about an hour. We were all cold and shivering at this point also. After scouting the area and saying a few more prayers, it was decided to cross the water, scale the rock face, go down a ledge, with the help of the men, and onto a platform area. This spot is known as "Hugging Rock." We all did this successfully. When we all reached this point, it became apparent that we would now have to jump back across the water to go down further. Seven of those in the group jumped. Barry, Gary, Tanya, Melissa, Jacob, Curtis and Austin. Six of us didn't make it. Personally, I was afraid to jump and wanted Gary to get a log or something so I could get across it. I even told Nannette to wait and not jump. While this was going on, we noticed the water began to rise, then all of the sudden it was flooding the entire area. Gary and Austin went farther down the side they were on and they were safe. Curtis was left stuck against the rock wall and standing on a very small ledge. Barry, Tanya, Melissa and Jacob were on a rock that was not totally safe if the water continued to rise. Those of us left, T.J., Tamara, Nannette, Autumn, Sabrina and Sam, on the platform needed to get back up the ledge to safety. T.J. yelled, "climb up me now!" And we did. First on his knee, then his shoulder, then with a push and a pull from someone on top we made it.. Then to get T.J. up, we mustered all of the strength, which we didn't know we had and pulled him up. We were safe, but stranded. T.J. saved our lives just then. We all knew we were in serious trouble, not knowing if the water would continue to rise or how long it would take to do down, besides being cold and almost four o'clock, time was running out. No one spoke for 10 minutes. Gary decided that he would scout the area down from him. He saw that he could go 300 yards down the canyon. Gary and Austin left to see if they could hike out. They went down a ways and climbed two rock shelves and saw that they could hike out. They came back in about 15 minutes. Before Gary and Austin left, T.J. yelled to Gary to get Curtis off the wall. He did. Then Gary told Barry "I need you over here." Knowing what they had to do and that was to go for help. Gary encouraged Barry across the narrow shelf finding places to put his hands and feet. Barry made it, now it was time to get the others across with the help of the two men. They could not have remained on that rock shelf overnight The six of us on the ledge watched this all, helpless and praying continually. One by one we watched each of them make it across this rock wall, except Tanya. She was the last one to cross. She lost her footing and slipped into the water. She screamed. We all did. She landed in a cove area and was able to stay there for a while. She looked like she was trying to find a way back up where she had just fallen from, but it wasn't working. The water was still moving swiftly at this point. T.J. was trying to yell to Barry and Gary ideas to help her, but they could hardly hear him. He tried to describe with his hands, but still it was so difficult. While all of this was going on, I kept my eyes right on Tanya. She wasn't crying. To me she didn't look frightened. She would look up to us on the ledge, probably mostly at T.J., then back to the others. She did this several times. Then Gary and the others took off their life jackets and tied them together. Jacob helped as they tried to throw them to Tanya for her to grab. After five or six tries, she got it. Gary then told her to wrap the strap around her whole wrist, not just in her hand. She did this. Gary also told her that she would have to try to pull herself up as she came out of the cove while they pulled from above. Then as she came out of this small cove, the water's force prevented them from pulling her up. She slipped into the hole the water was rushing down. The life jacket was ripped from her and she went down through the rocks. She came up on the other side, she did not move. Her life jacket looked like it had caught on something underneath the water because it seemed to be sticking out from her body. There was nothing we could do. The life jackets were stilled tied together up where she went in. It would have been unsafe for anyone else to go in after her without a life jacket. She continued down with the rushing current and was quickly out of site. One of the boys pushed a log into the water in hopes she could reach it, but nothing could be done. We were helpless, scared, cold and not believing what we had just seen. We kept hope that somehow she made it threw. Tanya was a strong and brave individual and I feel she was this way especially now. The six of them left on that side tried to follow her down, but after going around a big bend she was out of site. They came back, untied their life jackets, put them on and yelled, "stay where you are, we're going for help!'1 And at 4:55 they were gone. Insight Prepares The Way Her friend she had left behind in Germany was given insight to know there would be an accident in a group of people on a stream bank. Some one drowned. She thought it was Tanya. She wrote telling Tanya's parents of this insight. One of the leaders on the outing received insight that some one on the trip would die. After notification came that Tanya was missing, several of us received insight that Tanya was safe. However Heavenly Father's concept of being safe and our mortal concept differ. She was "Safe" at home with him and her remains had been lifted to safety 20 foot up on the canyon ledge. She was safe from the elements, animals and being swept into Lake Powel. Insight had told Georgene that although she was safe she was some place where we couldn't hear her calling us, or our calling to her. Insight had told Grandmother Shepply that she had been taken with in seconds after the swirl of water took her under. Cause of death Hypothermia. A Little about the events that day For Tanya to be taken at the precise moment she was, events of the day had to be planned by the master's hand. The Water started the day before, in a far away county and converged toward the "Hugging Rock". As her Stake President said "this was no accident.". For the party and Tanya to be at the precise place to meet with the converging water was no accident. For Tanya to be taken in the manner she was, at that precise moment was no accident. This was part of the plan. Testimonials from people whose life Tanya Touched At the grave side we started singing church songs. Every one was reluctant to leave so we sang song after song. T-Jay stood up and said "Don't stop, it sounds like angles singing. It was perhaps one of the most spiritual times of the funeral. We were sure Tanya was singing with us. Georgene had insight about Tanya's mission on the other side of the veil. Both Tanya's sides of the family are submitting names by the thousands to the temple. For every one whose name we provide proxies for, there has to be a conversion on the other side of the veil, or the work is not valid. Tanya will be teaching members of our families over there, so they can accept the proxies work we do on this side of the Veil. About 14 years ago I had an experience in the Dallas Temple, a vision had been opened to me to remind me of the numbers of people who were waiting on me to submit their names. A means has been provided so they may hear and accept our Hevenly Father's Plan over there. Tanya Visits The Callens Tanya's friend Cherri Callen, had a spiritual experience. She could hear Tanya singing off and on for several weeks after her departure. The words of the song giving reassurance. The message was "I'll see you again when Spring breaks through" and "I wonder when He Comes Again-will all the world know Spring". She brought an assurance that she would see them soon. Cherri and the girls had been especially distraught. Molly's life had been touched by Tanya as she gave a sympathetic ear. Molly considered Tanya her best friend. Now Father sent Tanya to give comfort. Sabrina loses her Missionary Sabrina, concerned about whether Tanya had been hurting as she went, prayed for help to know. A white personage appeared in her room. She was frightened and dove under her covers, praying for it to go away. It did, before Sabrina could determine that it was Tanya. However Father did not leave Sabrina without comfort. She knew of all the experienc |